ASPT for Matlab Package Description
The Adaptive Signal Processing Toolbox for Matlab (M-ASPT for short) is a collection of adaptive filters algorithms
to be used within the Matlab development environment (Matlab is a trade mark of the
MathWorks Inc.). ASPT for Matlab is a self-containing package, unlike other packages that are
built on top of the signal processing toolbox, you do not need any other toolboxes to
run ASPT. ASPT uses only basic Matlab linear algebra routines and internally implements all needed
M-ASPT for Matlab includes most commonly used adaptive filters structures.
Transversal filters are supported in Finite Impulse Response as well as Linear
Combiner configurations, the latter being important in applications such as adaptive arrays.
M-ASPT also supports recursive, lattice, and non-linear adaptive filters in addition to
single-channel and multi-channel active noise and vibration control filters. Time domain as
well as frequency domain adaptive filters are included. Time domain filters are supported in
sample per sample as well as block processing.
M-ASPT also comes with numerous source code examples demonstrating the use of M-ASPT routines
in adaptive systems applications such as echo cancellers, single-channel and multi-channel active
noise and vibration control, beam forming, channel equalization, adaptive line enhancers, system
identification, noise reduction, and linear prediction. A rich set of functions for analyzing
the performance of the common adaptive filters configurations are also included. Real world
application examples that process real world signals and their associated audio samples are
also provided. All M-ASPT
functions including filter routines, helper functions, application examples, and analysis
routines are clearly documented in an easy to understand educative language. The
M-ASPT user manual
also includes an introductory chapter on adaptive filters and their applications for
those who are making their first steps into the world of adaptive signal processing.
ASPT for Matlab Licenses
M-ASPT is currently available in several forms priced to suit every need.
Commercial M-ASPT licenses are available in COMPILED and in SOURCE CODE packages.
The source code package includes the full compiled package plus the source code of all
the adaptive algorithms (source code of initialization functions are not supplied). The
compiled packages are suitable for simulation of adaptive applications,
comparison of the performance of different algorithms in a specific application, and very useful in
teaching adaptive filters classes and preparing lab experiments and exercises. If you need to
modify the algorithms, or you need to access the source code for porting
one or more adaptive algorithm to a specific platform, you probably will need to purchase the
source code package. It is also possible to extend your compiled license with the source code at a
later stage. For real-time application development, refer to the C-ASPT package.
The M-ASPT End User License allows you to use the
software on a single or multiple computers. The number of simultaneous users accessing the
software at any time must be less than or equal to the number of licenses purchased. The license
does not allow you to automatically compile M-ASPT functions to applications that will be distributed
to third parties who do not have the M-ASPT package, but allows you to port M-ASPT functions by hand
to any DSP platform.
Refer to the ASPT for Matlab Price List or
contact us for more information on
purchasing ASPT.