FREE-ASPT Download and Install Instructions

FREE-ASPT Download and Install

Please remember that FREE-ASPT filters are limited to 32 coefficients and is intended for the purpose of evaluating the commercial ASPT products. For more information, refer to FREE-ASPT Home Page.

  • FREE-ASPT for Matlab


    FREE-ASPT for Matlab is currently available as a p-code toolbox for all platforms supported by Matlab. For all platforms, download the following package file and save it on your computer.

    The FREE-ASPT package file includes the following:
    • Implementations of 16 adaptive algorithms and their initialization functions
    • Matlab help files in the help directory.
    • Source code of a short application for each included adaptive filter in the test directory.
    Only Matlab help files are included with this distribution. You can access and download the complete ASPT for Matlab user manual in html or PDF format from the ASPT for Matlab home page.

    Installation and Configuration

    • Unpack the package file in a suitable place on your computer, below I assume that you are using Windows OS and you unpacked the package on "D:\", if you are using other OS, Unix or Linux for instance, replace "D:\" with your home directory or where Matlab is installed. Unpacking will create a directory dspalgorithms\libfaspt-2.1\Matlab with several sub-directories in it.
    • Start your Matlab software and change the current working directory inside Matlab to dspalgorithms\libfaspt-2.1\Matlab. You can do this by typing the following at the Matlab prompt
      >> cd d:\dspalgorithms\libfaspt-2.1\Matlab
    • Run the installation program provided with the package by typing the following at the Matlab prompt:
      >> asptinstall
      You will need write permission to the Matlab path files for this installation step to complete successfully. If you do not have write permission for those files, you will need to run the installation program every time you start Matlab, since the path information will be lost.

    Getting Started with FREE-ASPT for Matlab

    • You are now ready to start using your freshly installed FREE-ASPT for Matlab. The best way to start is to browse the source code of the short applications located in the dspalgorithms\libfaspt-2.1\Matlab\test directory and run each of them to learn how to call ASPT filters and how each of them behaves. As an example, type the following at the Matlab prompt to run the short active noise and vibration control example using the filtered-x LMS algorithm.
      >> testfxlms
      You are encouraged to cut from the provided applications and paste into your own adaptive filter applications. You can list the contents of the toolbox by typing the following at the Matlab prompt.
      >> help aspt
    • To learn more about ASPT for Matlab functions, refer to the ASPT for Matlab User Guide, which also includes many tutorials, examples, and applications source code.

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  • FREE-ASPT for Windows, for use with Microsoft Visual C++


    To develop stand-alone real-time adaptive filters executable programs for the Windows operating systems using ASPT API and Microsoft Visual C++ 6.0 or better, download the following package file.

    The above package file includes the following:
    • Two dynamic link libraries (DLL) and their corresponding import libraries providing the implementation of 16 adaptive filters in single and double precision floating point arithmetic.
    • Include files containing the declarations of the adaptive filters.
    • C source code of a short application for each included adaptive filter.
    • The complete C-ASPT API reference pages in HTML format.

    Installation and Configuration

    • Unpack the package file in a suitable place on your computer, below I assume that you unpacked the package on "D:\". Unpacking will create a directory d:\dspalgorithms\libfaspt-2.1 with several sub-directories in it. Those sub-directories are as follows. libfaspt-2.1\inc32f and libfaspt-2.1\inc64f containing the include files for the single and double precision floating point adaptive filters implementations, respectively. libfaspt-2.1\src32f and libfaspt-2.1\src64f directories containing the C source code of an application for each filter included in the package, again for single and double precision floating point implementations, respectively. libfaspt-2.1\docs directory containing the complete C-ASPT API reference pages, and finally, the libfaspt-2.1\Win32\vcpp\lib directory containing the libfaspt32f.dll and libfaspt64f.dll dynamic link libraries and their corresponding libfaspt32f.lib and libfaspt64f.lib import libraries, together with other files.
    • You do not need any further configuration steps, assuming of course you have VC++ 6.0 or better installed and configured on your computer.

    Compiling an application and linking to ASPT libraries

    • To make the process of using ASPT DLLs as easy as possible, the package also contains an example VC++ 6.0 project file called faspt.dsw in the libfaspt-2.1\Win32\vcpp\faspt directory. Double-click on this file to open the project in your VC++ IDE. This project contains one application source file from the libfaspt-2.1\src64f directory, and links the compiled object file of this source code to libfaspt64f.lib and asptdisplay64f.obj. The former is the FREE-ASPT import library containing information on the adaptive filters implementations (the implementation code itself will be loaded at run time from the ASPT DLL), and the latter is a support module containing functions to print vectors and matrices. It is important to note that the FREE-ASPT DLLs for Windows will work properly only when they are located in the same directory from which the application linked to them is launched. This is the reason that the example project is configured to place the compiled and linked executable program in the same directory where the DLLs are, namely libfaspt-2.1\Win32\vcpp\lib. To compile the example application, simply choose Build->Clean, then Build->Rebuild All from the VC++ menu. As mentioned before, the intermediate files will be placed in the libfaspt-2.1\Win32\vcpp\faspt\Release directory but the executable will be placed in the libfaspt-2.1\Win32\vcpp\lib directory.
    • To run the created faspt.exe console application, open a DOS command line window, change the current working directory to where the executable and DLLs are, and type faspt at the DOS prompt. This should print the final filter coefficients after convergence to the screen and create several text files. Depending on the application you are running, the created text files will contain the input, desired, output, and error signals (for system identification applications) or reference, primary, secondary, and sensor signals (for active noise and vibration control applications). The time signals in those text files can be analyzed with any plotting program to verify the adaptive filter performance.
    • To learn more, browse the source code of the provided applications which gives you an insight on how easy it is to use ASPT filters. Modifying and compiling those applications and experimenting with ASPT filters with different parameters is probably the best way to learn more about adaptive filters in general and ASPT APIs in particular. A great source of advanced information can also be found in the C-ASPT user manual, and the C-ASPT reference pages available at the C-ASPT home page

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  • FREE-ASPT for Windows, for use with GNU C Compiler


    To develop stand-alone real-time adaptive filters executable programs for the Windows operating systems (including Windows XP, 2000, NT, ME, 98, and 95) using ASPT API and one of the Win32 ports of GCC 2.95 or better, download the following package file.

    The above package file includes the following:
    • Two dynamic link libraries (DLL) providing the implementation of 16 adaptive filters in single and double precision floating point arithmetic.
    • Include files containing the declarations of the adaptive filters.
    • C source code of a short application for each included adaptive filter.
    • The complete C-ASPT API reference pages in HTML format.

    Installation and Configuration

    • Unpack the package file in a suitable place on your computer, below I assume that you unpacked the package on "D:\". Unpacking will create a directory d:\dspalgorithms\libfaspt-2.1 with several sub-directories in it. Those sub-directories are as follows. libfaspt-2.1\inc32f and libfaspt-2.1\inc64f containing the include files for the single and double precision floating point adaptive filters implementations, respectively. libfaspt-2.1\src32f and libfaspt-2.1\src64f directories containing the C source code of an application for each filter included in the package, again for single and double precision floating point implementations, respectively. libfaspt-2.1\docs directory containing the complete C-ASPT API reference pages, and finally, the libfaspt-2.1\Win32\gcc\lib directory containing the libfaspt32f.dll and libfaspt64f.dll dynamic link libraries, together with other files.
    • The DLLs provided are compiled and configured to be used in a native Windows environment (opposed to the POSIX emulation layer provided by CYGWIN), and therefore, you will need to use the minGW package ( to compile your applications that will be linked to ASPT DLLs. Make sure that you downloaded and installed the latest release of minGW before attempting to compile and link any applications that uses ASPT filters.

    Compiling an application and linking to ASPT libraries

    • To make the process of using ASPT DLLs as easy as possible, the package also contains an example Makefile (for GNU make) located in the libfaspt-2.1\Win32\gcc directory. Open this Makefile in your text editor, you will see that the Makefile compiles one of the applications source files from libfaspt-2.1\src32f and links the resulting object file to .\lib\libfaspt32f.dll and .\lib\asptdisplay32f.o. The former is the ASPT dynamic link library containing the adaptive filters implementations and the latter is a support module containing functions to print vectors and matrices. The resulting executable is placed where the DLLs are, namely in the .\lib directory. Note that the DLLs will work correctly only when they are located in the same directory from which the application linked to them is launched. This is the reason that the Makefile is configured to place the compiled executable program in the libfaspt-2.1\Win32\gcc\lib directory, where the DLL are located. Compile the example application by opening a DOS command line box, change directory to where the Makefile is, and type make at the DOS prompt.
    • To run the created faspt.exe console application, open a DOS command line window, change the working directory to where the executable and DLLs are, and type faspt at the DOS prompt. This should print the final filter coefficients after convergence to the screen and create several text files. Depending on the application you are running, the created text files will contain the input, desired, output, and error signals (for system identification applications) or reference, primary, secondary, and sensor signals (for active noise and vibration control applications). The time signals in those text files can be analyzed with any plotting program to verify the adaptive filter performance.
    • To learn more, browse the source code of the provided applications which gives you an insight on how easy it is to use ASPT filters. Modifying and compiling those applications and experimenting with ASPT filters with different parameters is probably the best way to learn more about adaptive filters in general and ASPT APIs in particular. A great source of advanced information can also be found in the C-ASPT user manual, and the C-ASPT reference pages available at the C-ASPT home page

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  • FREE-ASPT for Linux and Unix


    To develop stand-alone real-time adaptive filters executable programs for the Linux or Unix operating systems using ASPT API and GCC 2.95 or better, download one of the following package file.

    Each of the above package files includes the following:
    • Two dynamic link libraries (DLL) providing the implementation of 16 adaptive filters in single and double precision floating point arithmetic.
    • Include files containing the declarations of the adaptive filters.
    • C source code of a short application for each included adaptive filter.
    • The complete C-ASPT API reference pages in HTML format.

    Installation and Configuration

    • Make sure to unpack the downloaded package file using
      > unzip -a faspt_*.zip
      to convert any text files to the preferred format for your platform. Below I assume that you unpacked the package in your home directory, referred to as "~/" below. Unpacking will create a directory ~/dspalgorithms/libfaspt-2.1 with several sub-directories in it. Those sub-directories are as follows. libfaspt-2.1/inc32f and libfaspt-2.1/inc64f containing the include files for the single and double precision floating point adaptive filters implementations, respectively. libfaspt-2.1/src32f and libfaspt-2.1/src64f directories containing the C source code of an application for each filter included in the package, again for single and double precision floating point implementations, respectively. libfaspt-2.1/docs directory containing the complete C-ASPT API reference pages, and finally, the libfaspt-2.1/ARCH/lib directory (where ARCH indicating the machine architecture, for example Solaris or Linux_x86) containing the and dynamic link libraries, together with other files.
    • If you need to move ASPT files around on your computer, make sure to use
      > cp -p
      to preserve files attributes, which are important for the correct operation of the library files.
    • Make sure that the and dynamic link libraries are executable. If not, you need to make them executable by using
      > chmod +x filename
    • You do not need any further configuration steps, assuming of course you have GCC 2.95 or better installed and configured on your computer.

    Compiling an application and linking to ASPT libraries

    • To make the process of using ASPT DLLs as easy as possible, the package comes with one or more example Makefiles (for GNU make) located in the libfaspt-2.1/ARCH directory. Open the Makefile.32f file in your text editor, you will see that it compiles one of the applications source files from libfaspt-2.1/src32f and links the resulting object file to ./lib/ and ./lib/asptdisplay32f.o. The former is the ASPT dynamic link library containing the adaptive filters implementations and the latter is a support module containing functions to print vectors and matrices. The resulting executable is placed where the Makefile is, namely in the libfaspt-2.1/ARCH directory. Note that the DLLs will work correctly only when they are located in the ./lib directory relative to the application. Note also that the DLL path is stored in the binary executable, and there is no need to add the directory where the DLLs are located to the dynamic loader path. Compile the example application by opening a shell command line box, change directory to where the Makefile is, and type the following at the system prompt
      > make -f Makefile.32f.
    • To run the created faspt32f console application, open a shell command line box, change the working directory to where the executable is, and type ./faspt32f at the system prompt. This should print the final filter coefficients after convergence to the screen and create several text files. Depending on the application you are running, the created text files will contain the input, desired, output, and error signals (for system identification applications) or reference, primary, secondary, and sensor signals (for active noise and vibration control applications). The time signals in those text files can be analyzed with any plotting program to verify the adaptive filter performance.
    • To learn more, browse the source code of the provided applications which gives you an insight on how easy it is to use ASPT filters. Modifying and compiling those applications and experimenting with ASPT filters with different parameters is probably the best way to learn more about adaptive filters in general and ASPT APIs in particular. A great source of advanced information can also be found in the C-ASPT user manual, and the C-ASPT reference pages available at the C-ASPT home page

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  • FREE-ASPT Support

    FREE-ASPT is fully supported product by DSP ALGORITHMS. Please use the contact form to send us any questions, suggestions, or bug reports.