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API Summary
API to create and delete an asptLfpef32f filter
API to filter and update an asptLfpef32f filter
API to retrieve the properties of an asptLfpef32f filter
- DT32S lfpef32fGetCoef(asptLfpef32f *lfpef, DT32F *buf, DT32S ind, DT32S N, DT32S flip)
- DT32S lfpef32fGetParcor(asptLfpef32f *lfpef, DT32F *buf, DT32S ind, DT32S N, DT32S flip)
- DT32S lfpef32fGetDelayLine(asptLfpef32f *lfpef, DT32F *buf, DT32S ind, DT32S N, DT32S flip)
- lfpef32fGetCoefPtr( asptLfpef32f
*lfpef )
- lfpef32fGetParcorPtr( asptLfpef32f
*lfpef )
- lfpef32fGetDelayLinePtr( asptLfpef32f
*lfpef )
- lfpef32fGetFilterLength( asptLfpef32f
*lfpef )
- lfpef32fGetPcStepSize( asptLfpef32f
*lfpef )
- lfpef32fGetLastErrorSample( asptLfpef32f
*lfpef )
- lfpef32fGetFirFlag( asptLfpef32f
*lfpef )
API to set the properties of an asptLfpef32f filter
- DT32S lfpef32fReset(asptLfpef32f *lfpef)
- DT32S lfpef32fResize(asptLfpef32f *lfpef, DT32S newLength)
- DT32S lfpef32fSetCoef(asptLfpef32f *lfpef, DT32F *newCoef, DT32S ind, DT32S N, DT32S flip)
- DT32S lfpef32fSetParcor(asptLfpef32f *lfpef, DT32F *newCoef, DT32S ind, DT32S N, DT32S flip)
- DT32S lfpef32fSetDelayLine(asptLfpef32f *lfpef, DT32F *newCoef, DT32S ind, DT32S N, DT32S flip)
- lfpef32fSetPcStepSize( asptLfpef32f
*lfpef, newStep )
- lfpef32fSetFirFlag( asptLfpef32f
*lfpef, newFlag )
Implements the LMS Lattice Forward Predictor Error Filter (LFPEF).
Copyright (c) DSP ALGORITHMS 2003; all rights reserved.
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DT32S lfpef32fInit(asptLfpef32f *lfpef, DT32S L, DT32F mu_p)
Initializes an asptLfpef32f filter and allocates its necessary storage buffers - Returns :
Error code. On failure, the filterLength member of the filter is set to zero.
- Input Parameters :
- lfpef : pointer to asptLfpef32f filter to be initializes
- len : number of lattice stages
- mu_p : PARCOR step size.
- Output Parameters :
- lfpef is initialized using the given input arguments.
- Error Conditions
- ASPT_NO_ERR : Initialization is successful
- ASPT_NULL_PTR_ERR : lfpef is a NULL pointer
- ASPT_RANGE_ERR : len is not a valid input value
- ASPT_NO_MEM_ERR : could not allocate memory
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DT32S lfpef32fInitStatic(asptLfpef32f *lfpef,DT32S L, DT32F mu_p, DT32F *pCof, DT32F *pDat)
Initializes an asptLfpef32f filter to use pre-allocated memory blocks - Returns :
Error code. On failure, the filterLength member of the filter is set to zero.
- Input Parameters :
- lfpef : pointer to asptLfpef32f filter to be initializes
- len : number of lattice stages
- mu_p : PARCOR step size.
- pCof : pointer to a pre-allocated memory in program memory
of at least [2*len] DT32F locations to be used for the filter/PARCOR coefficients.
- pDat : pointer to a pre-allocated memory in data memory of at least
[3*(len+1)] DT32F locations to be used for data storage.
- Output Parameters :
- lfpef is initialized using the given input arguments.
- Error Conditions
- ASPT_NO_ERR : Initialization is successful
- ASPT_NULL_PTR_ERR : lfpef/pCof/pDat is a NULL pointer
- ASPT_RANGE_ERR : len is not a valid input value
- ASPT_NO_MEM_ERR : could not allocate memory
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DT32F lfpef32fFilterUpdate(asptLfpef32f *lfpef, DT32F x)
Calculates the filter output and updates the PARCOR and linear combiner coefficients of an asptLfpef32f filter. - Returns :
- Input Parameters :
- lfpef : pointer to the asptLfpef32f filter.
- x : input sample.
- Remarks :
The error sample is stored internally and can be retrieved by calling lfpef32fGetLastErrorSample().
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DT32F lfpef32fFilterOnly(asptLfpef32f *lfpef, DT32F x)
Calculates the filter output but does not updates the PARCOR nor the linear combiner coefficients. It updates the internal buffers. - Returns :
- Input Parameters :
- lfpef : pointer to the asptLfpef32f filter.
- x : input sample.
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void lfpef32fFree(asptLfpef32f *lfpef)
Frees the allocated memory for this asptLfpef32f filter. - Returns :
- Input Parameters :
- lfpef : pointer to the asptLfpef32f filter
- Remarks :
Use this function only for asptLfpef32f filters created using lfpef32fInit(). Do not use with filters created with lmsLattice32fInitStatic().
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DT32S lfpef32fReset(asptLfpef32f *lfpef)
Resets all PARCOR and linear combiner coefficients to zero.- Returns :
- Input Parameters :
- lfpef : pointer to asptLfpef32f filter to be reset
- Error Conditions
- ASPT_NO_ERR : success
- ASPT_NULL_PTR_ERR : NULL pointer error
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DT32S lfpef32fGetCoef(asptLfpef32f *lfpef, DT32F *buf, DT32S ind, DT32S N, DT32S flip)
Copies N internal linear combiner coefficients starting from coef[ind] to dstBuf. - Returns :
On success returns the number of coefficients copied, otherwise the error code (negative DT32S).
- Input Parameters :
- lfpef : pointer to asptLfpef32f filter.
- dstBuf : pointer to the destination buffer.
- ind : index to the first coefficient to be copied.
- N : number of coefficients to be copied.
- flip : if 1, will flip the coefficients order
- Error Conditions
- ASPT_NULL_PTR_ERR : dstBuf/lfpef is a NULL pointer
- ASPT_RANGE_ERR : ind/N is not a valid input value
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DT32S lfpef32fSetCoef(asptLfpef32f *lfpef, DT32F *newCoef, DT32S ind, DT32S N, DT32S flip)
Initializes N internal linear combiner filter coefficients starting from coef[ind] to the contents of newCoef. - Returns :
On success returns the number of coefficients copied, otherwise the error code (negative DT32S).
- Input Parameters :
- lfpef : pointer to asptLfpef32f filter to be set.
- newCoef : pointer to the new coefficients vector.
- ind : index to the first coefficient to be set.
- N : number of coefficients to be set.
- flip : if 1, will flip the coefficients order.
- Error Conditions
- ASPT_NULL_PTR_ERR : newCoef/lfpef is a NULL pointer
- ASPT_RANGE_ERR : ind/N is not a valid input value
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DT32S lfpef32fGetParcor(asptLfpef32f *lfpef, DT32F *buf, DT32S ind, DT32S N, DT32S flip)
Copies N internal PARCOR coefficients starting from coef[ind] to dstBuf. - Returns :
On success returns the number of coefficients copied, otherwise the error code (negative DT32S).
- Input Parameters :
- lfpef : pointer to asptLfpef32f filter.
- dstBuf : pointer to the destination buffer.
- ind : index to the first coefficient to be copied.
- N : number of coefficients to be copied.
- flip : if 1, will flip the coefficients order.
- Error Conditions
- ASPT_NULL_PTR_ERR : dstBuf/lfpef is a NULL pointer
- ASPT_RANGE_ERR : ind/N is not a valid input value
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DT32S lfpef32fSetCoef(asptLfpef32f *lfpef, DT32F *newCoef, DT32S ind, DT32S N, DT32S flip)
Initializes N internal PARCOR filter coefficients starting from coef[ind] to the contents of newCoef. - Returns :
On success returns the number of coefficients copied, otherwise the error code (negative DT32S).
- Input Parameters :
- lfpef : pointer to asptLfpef32f filter to be set.
- newCoef : pointer to the new PARCOR vector.
- ind : index to the first coefficient to be set.
- N : number of coefficients to be set.
- flip : if 1, will flip the coefficients order.
- Error Conditions
- ASPT_NULL_PTR_ERR : newCoef/lfpef is a NULL pointer
- ASPT_RANGE_ERR : ind/N is not a valid input value
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DT32S lfpef32fGetDelayLine(asptLfpef32f *lfpef, DT32F *buf, DT32S ind, DT32S N, DT32S flip)
Copies the N internal backward prediction error samples starting from delayLine[ind] sample to the given array. - Returns :
On success returns the number of samples copied, otherwise the error code (negative DT32S).
- Input Parameters :
- lfpef : pointer to asptLfpef32f filter.
- dstBuf : pointer to the destination buffer.
- ind : index to the first sample to be copied.
- N : number of samples to be copied.
- flip : if 1, will flip the samples order.
- Error Conditions
- ASPT_NULL_PTR_ERR : newCoef/lfpef is a NULL pointer
- ASPT_RANGE_ERR : ind/N is not a valid input value
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DT32S lfpef32fSetDelayLine(asptLfpef32f *lfpef, DT32F *newCoef, DT32S ind, DT32S N, DT32S flip)
Initializes N internal backward prediction samples starting from delayLine[ind] to the contents of newBuf. - Returns :
On success returns the number of coefficients copied, otherwise the error code (negative DT32S).
- Input Parameters :
- lfpef : pointer to asptLfpef32f filter to be set.
- newBuf : pointer to the new PARCOR vector.
- ind : index to the first coefficient to be set.
- N : number of coefficients to be set.
- flip : if 1, will flip the coefficients order.
- Error Conditions
- ASPT_NULL_PTR_ERR : newBuf/lfpef is a NULL pointer
- ASPT_RANGE_ERR : ind/N is not a valid input value
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DT32S lfpef32fResize(asptLfpef32f *lfpef, DT32S newLength)
Resizes an asptLfpef32f filter keeping as much of the filter state as possible. - Returns :
- Input Parameters :
- lfpef : pointer to the asptLfpef32f filter to be resized.
- newLen : required new filter length.
- Error Conditions
- ASPT_NO_ERR : Resizing is successful
- ASPT_NULL_PTR_ERR : NULL pointer error
- ASPT_RANGE_ERR : newLength is not a valid input value
- ASPT_NO_MEM_ERR : Could not allocate the necessary filter storage
- Remarks :
Use this function only with dynamically allocated asptLfpef32f filters.